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Facebook & Twitter pages set up for the Orlando Rogers Foundation Website

After successfully setting up and establishing a flexible and user-friendly website for the Orlando Rogers Foundation, the next phase was to increase the social network exposure of the Foundation by setting up the Facebook & Twitter extensions to the website.


Their Facebook page was already set up, but as a personal page and not as a business/organisation page and their data and style was out of date. By updating and bringing the design similar to the website and converting to an organisation page, this increases confidence and recognition to the Foundation and enhanced the strength and purposes of the organisation. The connection levels and exposure of the Foundation has been increased beyond expectation and is likely to grow even more.


Twitter can sometimes be dismissed as being part of the social networking area especially if there are no existing connections or limited knowledge of the service, however, there is no such thing as over exposure on the internet, by using Twitter and other media, this increases website exposure aiding better ranking websites.

Each link and element of marketing that is posted to the Website is now supported by an automated tweet. By allowing and establishing this facility, increased levels of exposure is immediately present on the internet and therefore supporting any ranking for the website.

New website for a charity

New website for a charity

The Orlando Rogers Foundation previously had a static and basic site that needed an uplift. It needed to be flexible and adaptable to suit the needs of the charity with an option for social media integration and also the ability of selling products and receiving donations.

With this in mind and a few outlines, Dart Tech put together this simple, yet effective solution without costing the earth.

Their connectivity with Facebook and Twitter was not initially considered, but after explaining the benefits of the Social Media world, it soon became a requirement to enhance the visibility of the Foundation.

Orlando Rogers Foundation

Orlando Rogers Foundation